Woman sitting in office while being on video

Content marketing. Digital marketing. Companies of all sizes are prioritizing these two crucial marketing disciplines in record numbers. However, many company leaders are unsure where to start or what platform best suits their needs.

While it’s true not all digital content marketing methods are necessary for every company, there are a few methods every brand should utilize. For the sake of this article, we’ll be zeroing in on the importance of video marketing, as it’s among the very top digital marketing platforms today. 

Below is a list of seven things every new entrepreneur and business owner needs to know about video marketing and how it can greatly boost their business. 

1. Video Marketing Is About Telling a Story Not Selling a Product

Depending on what resource you choose to go by, the average attention span of any given individual is approximately three to eight seconds. Of course, a person’s attention span depends a lot on what catches their interest within that initial three to 10 seconds, to begin with. 

While many factors can account for an individual’s disinterest, when it comes to video ads, most consumers are automatically turned off when someone jumps right into a sales pitch. 

In addition to that, the Internet is cluttered to the hilt with salespeople aggressively pursuing anyone and everyone they can. Such annoyances have many consumers on edge and totally uninterested in anything outside what they themselves have gone looking for. Your video has to cause them to take pause long enough to grab and maintain their attention.

2. Use Humor to Increase That Attention Span

Humans love to laugh and to spread laughter around. Ever wonder why the class clown went out of their way to make the rest of the class laugh? Making others in the class laugh made them feel good. And I bet most people if asked to remember who the class clown was in high school, they would have little trouble remembering their name. 

The Super Bowl is another great example of how brands use humor as the primary theme in their ad campaigns. Hilarious and at times risqué video commercials have become synonymous with Super Bowl Sunday. 

According to Steve Olenski, a Forbes contributor, “Funny brands are more relatable and are seen as more trustworthy and human.” Olenski further states that “Humor is linked to [memory] higher recall, which means any message imbued with humor will be easier for your target demographics to remember.” 

3. Don’t Be Intrusive and Annoying

According to Business Insider, half of Millennials think YouTube and Facebook have the most annoying ads. Probably the top reason for this is because they’re intrusive and downright annoying. You don’t want to fall under those two adjectives. 

How many of you have ever landed on a web page and been startled by some seemingly mysterious voice blaring out at you? And doesn’t it seem to happen at the worst times, like when the baby is sleeping or you’re at your desk in a nearly silent office? How annoying is that? You don’t want to be one of those advertisers. 

People should be given the choice of whether to watch and listen to your video or not. When advertisers or companies force video popups or intrude on the space of their visitors by playing the audio by default, a potential lead may likely turn into a dead end. 

In addition to that, it’s better your video doesn’t automatically play in the background as well. Some computers may not be as fast as others and having videos on multiple webpages trying to play at once can be taxing on not only the RAM but on data quotas, too. 

Keeping that in mind, it’s a good idea to focus on creating striking visuals -especially at the beginning – so the visitor becomes interested and decides to switch on the sound themselves.  

Believe it or not, there is a lot more to creating awesome, effective video advertisements – so much, as a matter of fact, there have been books written on the subject. There is no need for you to go through all of that effort, though. Simply contact us today and we’ll be more than thrilled to assist you further, even if it’s merely answering a few of your questions about how video marketing can boost your business.