janeb13 / Pixabay
How many times have you scrolled through Facebook and been inundated with videos that make you dizzy from all the camera movement?
Or the setting is so dark you can barely see the person?
And how about the videos that look pretty interesting so you turn on the audio only to find it sounds like an echo chamber?
Our communications technology has evolved into online communities flooded with video content. Much of this is created by ordinary people who have extraordinary messages they want to share with the world. Our smartphones make it possible to create and transmit video, which is amazing, exciting and horrific all at the same time.
For the first time in history, we can send video messages around the world from the palm of our hands.
The tools to create and share video are just getting better, more simple to use, and more affordable.
Not everyone should be making and sharing videos! Unless you have some training to understand things like shot composition, lighting, and effective messaging, you have no business being on video. You especially have no business making video on your own and sending it out to the world on the internet.
I’ve worked with a number of DIY videographers, and the ones that do video well have a few things in common.
- They have a strong desire and the time to learn the video production process.
- They are not afraid of being on camera.
- They know the best way to serve their clients is to let go of their fear.
- They know when to hire a pro.
When I first started working with CJ Johnson, Health and Wellness Coach at Age Well with CJ, she was just putting together her YouTube channel. She’d been recording her own videos and spent a lot of time learning how to do them well. Unlike many folks, she is very comfortable on camera. Her challenge was figuring out how to build her online presence so she would be considered an expert in her field. She was an unknown gem waiting to be discovered!
Today CJ has 767 subscribers on her YouTube channel and averages more than 300 views a day. Her videos (she’s got 246 of ‘em!) are all conveniently sorted into playlists that include:
- How to Play Pickleball-Instruction
- Pickleball Drills
- Pickleball Strategy
- Fitness/Avoiding Injury/Staying Healthy
- Athletic Performance Solutions
- Weight Management and Healthy Eating
- 60 Second Weight Loss and Health Eating Quick Tips
- 60 Second Workout Quick Tips
- Skiing
CJ is clearly among those who should be doing their own video. BUT she spent a great deal of time and energy learning how to do it well.
How about you…Do you have what it takes to make your own video?